Thursday 18 September 2014



More often I've seen people making fun of others when they cry over a movie or a novel. They find it lame to cry over any movie or a book as it's NOT REAL. These kind of people are called the "practical ones" They are not wrong in their opinion. Okay, maybe, they are not wrong, because they live in the "real world" and not the fictional world. Fine by me, but when they make fun of people who live in fictional world and cry when a fictional character dies or is suffering badly, it's just wrong.

I cry when a fictional character dies. People make fun of me too. By people, I mean my sister and my friends. My sister mainly thinks that it's just a fictional character who died. She's like Chandler from F.R.I.E.N.D.S: "Oh yeah! It was sad when the man stopped drawing the cartoon(Bambi's mother). See what I did there? She finds it particularly funny when I am busy mourning a character's or a dog's death. If that wasn't enough, she tells that to everyone. (Yeah! Like I wasn't embarrassed enough! Bitch!) I used to care about that before and hide it from everyone. But then I thought, What the hell! Why should I be embarrassed? I did nothing wrong. Fine, I agree that I am girly, but I am girl for crying out loud! I have a right to be girly. 

I had an epiphany, that crying ain't lame. I shouldn't be embarrassed for that. For all the girls and boys out there who cry over a book or a movie (yeah, boys cry too) don't be embarrassed. Crying means that you have a heart which welcomes every emotion. When we see a character die, we don't feel the pain of the character, we feel what his/her dear ones would be feeling. We have people who love us too. There are people whom we love too. We experience the pain we would feel when we lost them. We may not be practical, but that doesn't mean that we have to hide what we are feeling.

When the dog in "Marley and me" died, I cried . I love dogs. I am a dog person. When Marley died, I felt the pain the whole family must be feeling. It was clear that the family loved Marley despite of his shortcomings. The funeral that was arranged for ,Marley, just touched my heart to the core. In "The Fault In Our Stars", "Titanic", "P.S I love you", "Ranjhanaa", I cried because I felt the pain of their partners and friends. In "The Hunger Games", I cried because I felt the pain Katniss must have felt when Prim died.I am not embarrassed to cry. Fictional characters may not be real, but they are inspired from the real life characters.

  Boys who cry are the victims of their peers. They are made fun of , because they are not MANLY. Not crying is not manly, but expressing what you feel without being ashamed is. These guys are keepers. They know how it feels to lose someone and they will not lose you at any cost. Okay, crying on basically everything like my ex is lame. Making a big deal out of EVERYTHING is exhausting, like: "Oh my god! I miss you!" "Oh my god! Why aren't you with me?" "Oh my god! You are going to cheat on me!" It's not cute and adorable. You must be thinking that I am a hypocrite. No, I am not. Guys who cry are cute, but guys who cry continuously are not. You need balance, folks!

People who cry are not cowards! In fact they are the bravest. They get it out of their system by crying. Then they get back to normal. They know how to make peace with their minds. Crying for sympathy is another thing.So, boys and girls, go on! Cry out loud without being ashamed. Let others make fun of you if they want to. Boys, don't be ashamed of crying in a chick flick. You guys are the best You have a heart! Girls, don't be afraid of your sister and friends. Haters gonna hate. Let them be. You girls are the bravest. Be proud of who you are.

If you have guts, then go on! Cry! Express how you really feel. Don't keep it in. It's not a crime. CRYING IS NOT LAME!